Our Blog
Today’s Big Question: Is It Better to Give or to Receive Family Christmas Cards
This is a question I ask myself every year! Every November, we start thinking about what we’re going to do for our family Christmas Cards this year. With two designers in the house, it’s not like we just head to Target and pick up a box of pre-designed, blank...
It’s more than just a custom party… It’s an experience!
Well, as hard as it is for us to believe, the day finally came! Our sweet little girl turned 1! In what seemed to be just a few short months, the past year flew by and this milestone birthday was here. Don’t get me wrong, we had thought about it for quite some time....
Pinterest for Business: Start by Creating a Goal!
Have you been debating whether or not your company needs a Pinterest page? Here’s my philosophy for deciding whether to jump on the Pin Wagon or not. It has nothing to do with whether you sell to consumers or other businesses. The question I always ask is this; is...
Social Media for Business – What’s the point?
I’m hoping this title was engaging enough! I guess if you’ve gotten this far, it was. Every time I open my Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn feed, I see another article explaining the purpose of social media for businesses. Yet, I meet with clients on a weekly basis who...
Prevent Hackers from Killing your Website
Have you ever had your website files hacked? If so, you probably remember that it is one of the most gut-wrenching feelings. For me, I knew it had happened when I discovered that our meta-description in Google led readers to believe that our company...