It seems like we’re talking about this every day lately, but it’s really become that important. To make a long story short, your business, large or small, should have an SSL certificate on your site. Click Here to start the process today. Or, if you need a little more convincing, read on!

  1. Build Trust Among Your Customers

The purpose of an SSL is to protect customer information from online hackers and other threats. If you run an eCommerce site, an SSL provides extra layers of security when a customer is entering in their personal and credit card information. By having this added protection, customers will feel safe making purchases. This is just another way to further legitimize your business.

  1. Maintain/Increase Your Google Ranking

Google will specifically target sites that don’t have an SSL and dock you several search position rankings for it. In some extreme cases, remove you from their index. This severely inhibits your site’s ability to gain exposure among potential clients, thus making you miss out on business. By having an SSL, Google is signaled and your SEO and ranking overall improves.

  1. It’s Simple

Obtaining an SSL is easy and affordable. At B. Creative we can take care of this service for you in about 5 minutes. This seems like a pretty small price to pay for a situation that can cause major mishaps. As a business owner it is just  another act of due diligence and customer service to make sure that your clients’ information isn’t being misused in any way. It could be the difference between a booming business and a bashed name.

Learn more about what an SSL can do for your business here.

If you would like one of our website security agents to contact you with more information about our SSL service feel free to leave us your information today!